May 19, 2017

How bad we're at Communication in Healthcare

Jose Miguel Sainz



I want to talk about the recent article from Nicole Fisher in Forbes magazine "10 ways lack of communication is ruining health care” 


Her article has a deep issue regards healthcare, and yes,the greatest problem we have in patient care is a very poor or non-existent communication among all those involved in patient care, not just health care providers

The lack of transparency in medical treatments, the lack of a unified and structured medical language for big data crunching and the inability to break down barriers of communication among all those involved in patient care, prevents us from having a collaborative way of working with the patients, losing the optic that the patient must be at the center and meaning of our work.

In addition, if we mention the lack of communication between those responsible for clinical processes and those responsible for financial matters, this situation gets more acute, making the optimization of resources that we need urgently almost an impossible job to accomplish.

Everything indicates that the perverse system existing in the health sector, where the big hospitals generates more money attending the most complex clinical cases, this situation insanely promotes not to have a better communication for obvious reasons.

We have to start with a new and clear vision where we should build Hospitals with the only goal to have them empty, without patients, just to be used by health exceptions. We should focus to be able to identify each person's health condition and to keep track in a real-time environment without physical limitations where they’re located.  Preventive medicine for patient care with the support of AI (Artificial Intelligence)  technologies will be the beginning of real healthcare transformation.

AI technology will be able to help physicians in the very near future where, through nano-bio-technological devices, to monitor people on a continuum at anyplace, detecting in real time any out-of-range health indicators for each individual in particular

The beginning of this transformation starts from an integrative vision, having the person (“patient”) in the Center of our society, and everybody working in sync with a high level of communication all the time.

True cloud technologies have in their DNA the perfect design to participate in an active way to build this vision: to demolish the communication barriers we have in our health care industry.

We are closer to the future than we know, we’ll start to see dramatic changes in patient care in an automated digital primary care with a 100% focus on preventive medicine .